Monday 17 November 2014

Reset Monday. Change your outlook, Change your life.

Although loathed the world over, one thing that can be said for Mondays, they offer the opportunity of a fresh start, and a renewed outlook on life.

I came across the following video last night and had to share. It is all about repositioning your outlook on life. As opposed to looking to take, you are looking to give. Give your talents, your time, your love and apply this outlook to every challenge and moment you engage in today.

For example, 
on the bus: give a smile: you are giving someone else the opportunity to smile.
at work: give 100%: you are giving your colleagues an opportunity to experience you at your best
with friends and family: give 100% attention: you are giving them the chance to truly connect with you.

The great thing about giving is you receive. It's a fact of life. As you approach the day, not from "what can I take?", rather "what can I give?", the day will open up for you, opportunities will make themselves available to you, and you will attract more giving like minded people.

You were made to give your greatness, and you have it in abundance. Today, share it.

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