Wednesday 12 November 2014

Marilyn Monroe, Oscar Wilde, Jesus, Oprah : How To Be Iconic


"Be somebody who makes everybody feel like a somebody." 

I recently came accross this quote on @itsdaver 's Instagram, and it really resonated with me. 

Since the dawn of time the magnetic & charismatic among men have been elevated to Kings, Queens, writers, artists and poets. Called to court and consulted on their thoughts and opinions. Loved, revered and followed. Think Oscar Wilde, Marilyn Monroe, Maya Angelou - even Jesus, these people have gone down in history and will be remembered for their raw magnetism. Yet what was it about them that made so many people agree that they were worth knowing, listening to, following and most importantly, remembering?

In our generation, more than ever we crave fame, public notariety and acceptance. Social media has done a good job of making us all quite self centred and has granted a few a cheap sense of fame. People are insta-famous for what's on the surface, and this has caused the word fame to have a bad connotation. However I think we can all agree that there was something special about the fame of the ages, something from the icons that we can all learn from. You may not want to be famous, but I'm sure you'd certainly like to be magnetic. Here is how. 

Being truly iconic must start from within and radiate out to all those you meet. It's an energy, it's a pleasantness, it's taking the time to be genuinely interested in others, not just because you think their important, just because you respect and care about them as a human being. 

It sounds pretty basic, but it is so essential. These days people think it's cool to throw a little shade to those they feel are below them, but this is emotionally immature and essentially basic behaviour. Smart people are nice to everyone, from the door man to the Pope. Does the sun discriminate on who it shines on? No. And don't we all love to bask in it's glow..? People need to feel special, loved & important. In this world where so many can feel anonymous, it's so rare to find someone genuinely interested, and engaging. Be the sun. Warm, radiating, life giving & most importantly, don't discriminate on who shine on.

Let your manner be warm to all you meet
Let your positive energy radiate externally to all who you come in contact with
Let your words breathe life and optimism into the lives of others. 

And then, truly you will earn your place in the hall of greats. It all starts from within. 


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