Saturday 2 March 2013

I'ts the weekend fool! Indulge

Ok before I get started, lets have a moment for all the under appreciated warriors who work in Retail on the weekend. For them this 'back off' aaah moment to exhale does not apply :( But If you are lucky enough to own your weekends, this message is for you.

Hello you 9-5 superwoman storm trooper. You have braved it through the London traffic, the delays, annoying co workers and work initiatives that have no relation to your actual life, but have taken up more time than you have dedicated to yourself all year. Now is the time to breathe- claim some you time & indulge. Its tempting to go all YOLO all weekend, but the good Lord knew what he was talking about when he said take one day to rest. So, here it is, your must have , back off ME day.

Begin with easing your pretty self out of bed, except you don't feel so pretty? Late nights and stress have you looking like the troll under the bridge and the goats in '3 billy goats gruff'? No matter, take some time to pamper yourself.

So here is the plan

Bath's are the most accessible luxury that we all fail to take advantage of. Question- Why do we all fuss so much about a hot tub with strange old men at our gym and fail to take advantage of ours at home. Ok, I can hear you, " It's not a hot tub its a bath... no bubbles". Well I say its a fair trade, trade soaking in the juices of creepy old men for the privacy of your own home, and trade bubbles for essential oils, bubble bath and candles. 

Set The Scene

Get your self some scented candles
Its amazing the difference lighting can make, I don't like sitting in a dark tub, or a bright interrogation light, so a happy medium is an array of candles scented to relax. Parisian brand Diptyque are famed for their quality scents. Check out their Anniversary collection 34....if your'e fancy. If not, head down to your local pound store and get yourself some French Vanilla ones....and you can bring more Paris luxury into your bath on the next point.


Get some Jazz, I am specifically feeling French Jazz right now,  but if you prefer bopping your head to English, Lana de Havas &Laura Mvula are great newcomers, whilst Floetry , Zero 7 & and Lemon Jelly, Jill Scott and even the odd Q- Tip song can make amazing rewind remedies. Beyond that go old school with Nina Simone, Aretha, Frank Sinatra & my favourite, Nat King Cole.

Before you get in the bath grab some essentials. Grab a mud mask.
Now, Grab some magazines, some fresh juice coffee or tea and just soak.

Take this time, to do your face regimen or condition your hair (with all that lovely steam). Aaah.
When you are done , moisturize with some body butter and finish off around your neck with some perfumed creme. My favourite? Jean Paul Gaultier for that classic , oh so feminine magic..

Feel refreshed? 

Now try this beauty secret to seal the deal.  To get rid of dark circles, grab half a lemon and squeeze onto it 3/4 honey. Massage onto face, leave for a few - and then wash off with cold water.

Now you are ready to start your day... Take it easy awesome, and I suggest treating yourself to a cupcake. Well you have to have some You Only Live Once spirit in your weekend.

L A W of Life : Enjoy every moment.

Love Lois

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